Duncan Robinson

Roadmap for Growth

November 2022
10:20am - 10:40am
£20 per person or £15 for Connect Business Club members/exhibitors (code required)
Seminar Room

Event Overview

In this seminar, Duncan Robinson will discuss the key elements that need to be considered in order to develop your growth roadmap for business. He'll discuss the importance of articulating your vision, effective goal setting and business strategy. He'll also share his ideas for creating a growth plan and aligning it with all parts of your business.

Speaker Bio

Originally graduating with a degreein Oceanography, Duncan has had a varied career in Oceanographic Research,Environmental Management, Corporate Responsibility, Supply ChainSustainability, Corporate Strategy and Finance, working primarily in the Waterand Electricity Generation sectors. He has postgraduate qualifications inEngineering Management and Sustainable Business, and is the owner/director of alive music promotion business. He has worked as a civil servant for Dept ofWork and Pensions, and joined YTKO in August 2021 to lead the formation of theOutset Swindon and Wiltshire team, providing wide ranging support to SMEsacross Swindon and Wiltshire to help them grow.

When & Where


Duncan Robinson

for speed networking

at the

Business Expo taking place on



November 2022



10:20am - 10:40am

in the seminar room. The expo is completely free to attend and you can simply turn up for this session.

Please note that you do not need tickets for the seminars or speed networking sessions. You only need to register to attend the main event. All other activities are on a first come, first served basis.

Get your tickets on Eventbrite

Keynote Speaker

Speed Networking

Duncan Robinson

Duncan Robinson

Speaker Agenda

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