Save Time With Your Social Media Part 2

In this blog, we cover 2 more tips on how you can save time with your social media marketing whilst making it more effective.


Matthew Larcome

Monday, August 12, 2024

Following on from our last blog, we have 2 more tips for you to help you save time with your social media.

We hope you found our last blog useful and you have started to think about implementing some changes into your social media marketing plan to help you save some time.

So, we continue with our tips below.



Repurpose your content.

This is one that you may think “Really? Can I do that?”. Well the answer is, yes, you absolutely can.

If you create social media posts already, write blogs, have leaflets, brochures you hand out, send out marketing emails etc – reuse and repurpose them.

Pull information out of them and use them to create more content.

Another small tip if you use Canva – you can resize your posts so they’re suitable for different platforms all from the ‘re-size’ button.





When you sit down each month of few months to put your marketing plan together, think about a theme you can put together.

Every Tuesday could be a promotional post, Mondays could be a tip and Thursdays could be testimonials for example.

To put into context, if a wellness company were looking to theme their posts they could have:

·     Motivational Mondays

·     Tuesday Tips

·     Wellness Wednesday

Etc. They could then focus each post to the different daily themes.

If you are looking for more marketing and social media tips, keep an eye out for more blogs on the B2B Expo website or follow us on social media @b2bexpos.

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