Ideas To Help Bring Your Stand To Life

In this blog we cover some tips and tricks to help you bring your stand to life when exhibiting.


Matthew Larcome

Monday, August 12, 2024

The benefits of having a stand at business expos

There are many benefits to hosting a stand at your local business expo. In fact, almost too many benefits to mention.

A few of the main benefits are increasing your brand awareness in the local area, look to turn prospecting clients into purchasing clients, talk and interact with your target audience and don’t forget connecting and catching up with current customers.

Bringing your stand to life

Once you’ve made the decision to exhibit, it’s important to then put some thought into your stand and how you’re going to attract people/visitors at the event.

Bringing your stand to life at an exhibition isn’t the easiest job however is essential if you are to succeed and get if you want to get anything out of exhibiting.

Here are some of our top tips to think about when exhibiting

1. Be visual – be clear in your message. Whilst you want it to be fun and engaging, don’t over complicate it. The last thing you want to do is deter people from visiting your stand. You want to make sure you stand pops out in the crowd. You want to be the stand people’s eyes are drawn to and therefore making it the stand they want to stop off at.

2. Have a strong brand identity – yes, show people your logo and what you do but also make sure your stand is in line with your core business values. You want to make a good first impression on new business prospects.

3. Demonstrations and samples are one of if not the biggest draw at any type of exhibition, who doesn’t like freebies?  If you have an interesting product to show visitors, why not show it off? Demonstrate how your products/services are going to help and improve the business and life of the visitors.

4. Add an interactive element to your stand. Whether this is a game or even a popcorn stand you’ve hired for the event, this will no doubt attract visitors.

5. Provide an oasis for visitors – business expos can be busy and non-stop. Why not provide a little relaxing space for visitors to just be able to sit and stop for a moment. They’re very likely to take in what you do and what’s around them whilst they stop for a moment.

6. Create a competition – we’ve all seen these before but they do work. Collect people’s business cards or contact info and offer them the chance to win a special hamper, bottle of champagne or even offer your services for free maybe?

When exhibiting remember your end goal and your objective for being at the event. Keep your message at the centre of all you do and remember to enjoy the event yourself.

If you would like to visit one of our events for free or even exhibit – please have a look at our website at and all contact details are on there.

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