How to Follow Up Effectively After an Expo

If you're just returning to your office after exhibiting at a business expo, here are some top tips on how to follow up with the connections you've made.


Matthew Larcome

Monday, August 12, 2024

If you're just returning to your office after exhibiting at a business expo, here are some top tips on how to follow up with the connections you've made.

Send a quick thank you email

It's important you make the first move when it comes to following up with all those people you met at the event. Start by sending them a quick and personal email. Don't send the same boring email to everyone. Make it unique. Follow on from the conversations you started when you were at the event. Tell them that you'll be in touch again within a few days to follow up properly.

Connect on LinkedIn

Add all the people you've just met with on LinkedIn. Search their full name or company name from their details or business card. Make sure you're connected and even add a personalised message so they remember who you are and where you've just met. This may sound silly, but they would have met with a lot of other people at the event so we can't assume they'll remember who you are.

Send a second follow up email

After a day or two, make contact again with the prospect. This is when you'll follow up in more detail. It's probably also a good opportunity at this stage to arrange a 1-1 or phone call to discuss their requirements or to find out more about their business to see if you can solve any of their problems.

Engage on social media

Most people you'll meet at a business expo won't buy from you straight away. That's why you need to make sure you regularly engage with them on social media to continue building the relationship. Remember that people buy from people they know, like and trust. You've already gone past the know stage, so it's all about getting them to like and trust you.

These steps may seem obvious but they are very easy to forget when we’re busy in business!  Follow these 10 stages of follow-up with everyone you meet to extend and grow your network and turn leads into sales!

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